Friedrich Hayek

Friedrich Hayek CH , born in AustriaHungary as Friedrich August von Hayek and frequently referred to as F. A. Hayek, was an Austrian and British economist and philosopher best known for his defense of classical liberalism. Hayek shared the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Gunnar Myrdal for his pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and ... penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena.

Friedrich August von Hayek was born in Vienna to August von Hayek and Felicitas Hayek . Friedrichs father, from whom he received his middle name, was also born in Vienna in 1871. He was a medical doctor employed by the municipal ministry of health, with passion in botany, in which he wrote a number of monographs. August von Hayek was also a parttime botany lecturer at the University of Vienna. Friedrichs mother was born in 1875 to a wealthy, conservative, landowning family. As her mother died several years prior to Friedrichs birth, Felicitas gained a significant inheritance which provided as much as half of her and Augusts income during the early years of their marriage. Hayek was the oldest of three brothers, Heinrich and Erich , who were oneandahalf and five years younger than him.

Source: Wikipedia